A Life Forgotten
Riots rule the streets,
While revolutions rule the world
To say nothing at all
Is to choose the side of evil
Even if you disagree
Words are worse
Than sticks and stones
But worse than that
Is silence
Silence means there’s
Nothing to say
Nothing to do
And nothing wrong
If silence hugs you
Because I can assure you
He’s holding a knife
Just like the people
Who came before you
And acted like you were okay
like the world and everyone in it
is a blade
and you are just
“Just be yourself,”
They say
But that’s not
What they mean
They mean
Be the you
Everyone knows
You were growing up to be
They mean
Be the you
You were
Before any bad times
They mean
Be the you
Who loved flowers
And video games
They mean
Be the you
You forgot you
Ever were
Because honestly
It’s better
Than dealing
With the truth
It causes
And sad
“Who am I?”s
But all they
Care about
Is who
You used to be
Be the old you
So we don’t
Have to get to
Know the new
They don’t want to learn
Who you’ve grown to be
Because really,
It’s trivial
You’ll change again
Sooner or later
Be it name, favorite color
Hobby or what you’ll be when you grow up
Sooner or later
Something will change
That you won’t say out loud
You’ll grow a new weakness
No one knows about
They’ll find different things
To ignore
And they won’t care
Every man has a weakness
Whether it seems noble or not
It could be the harshness of others
Or the pet cat he had for years
it could be the girl who heard everyone whisper
as she walked down the hall
because her hair was just a little too short
and her clothes were just a little too baggy
or it could be the guy who knew
Everyone was staring
because his hair was just a little too long
and his clothes were just a little too tight
and maybe, just maybe...
But for some it’s the thoughts
That won’t seem to go away
The intruders in his brain
That won’t give him a break
For others it’s the one
He’d looked for all that time
His one true love
But for this man?
His weakness is like no other
For it is his dreams
That haunt him
Nightmares of his past
He’d served in the war
But not the one you’d think
With a unique experience
And had never been the same thereafter
Unique experiences
That can’t be ignored
That don’t go unchanged
Without all-around mistakes
These experiences
Go through the generations
Be it war, genocide, sexism, racism
Issues that plague the world
Not to ignore personal issues
Funerals, divorces, breakups
Yelling matches, day and night,
And not all of it involves you
Tell me,
Are you happy?
Do you wake up with a smile
And go to bed the same?
Tell me,
Have you seen it all?
Have you heard the unmistakeable sound
Of a door slamming shut at three A.M?
That was years ago,
Let it go
Just let it go
Find some friends,
Join a club
Just please
Learn to forget
Sometimes things happen
We aren’t prepared for
But all we can do
Is brace ourselves and hope
All we can do
Is hope it goes well
Because there’s nothing worse
Than failure, right?
We can fail a class
Or a relationship
Or a parent
Or a friend
But it’s all the same.
It’s still a failure
But hear me out
That’s not all it is
Life not about the failures
It’s the memories you made
It’s the friends you had
And the chances you took
Life is about
How you handle
All these crazy events
That come out of nowhere
So brace yourself
And hope for the best
Start a revolution
Speak up and be heard
You don’t need grand speeches
Or a winning smile
All you need is
A starting point
A plan A and a plan B
And a lengthy to-do list
You need one thousand steps
And maybe a megaphone or two
So hold your head up
and keep your wits about you
And do me a favor:
Don't ever look back.