A Life Changing Dream
Written By: Jonaiya R.
Endless hard work & self-dedication is
always key.
Focused on a goal leading towards a brighter future;
a better me.
Life changing can hardly describe the one thing I would
love to be.
Traveling the world, exploring the seas
This all equals up to one thing.
This is the person I've always wanted to be.
Since a young girl dreaming at the age of three
Determintation over the past 14 years were only
to be seen as a childhood dream.
Supported by family, supported by friends, supported
by the jealous people who always pretend.
A phenomenal speech by Martin Luther King enticed
me to be the veterinarian I am meant to be.
12 years ahead of college & sleepless nights
All towards a journey of courage & endless flights.
Bright green eyes, dark cold night it's a dream that will
change to reality, but not over night.
Nobody can want this dream more than me.
A colorful green campus filled with tall giant trees
The home of the Aggies wild & free.
UC Davis is the one place I want to be, the one place
I can follow my life changing dream.