Taking the first step can cause anxiety, internal conflicts interfere, but you must make a move before you make a movie so there’s progress to compare, imagine a mind with no fear, focused eyes with no tears, wants and desires, all pure with no stains. So beautiful is peace plus love conquers despair, why walk on the land when I can fly as eagles do through the air. Let go and let God, obstacles will still come my way, boulders broader than the width of my shoulders, some may never disappear, let go, and the burden to carry burdens will not be my pain, so even in a market crash I can focus on how to make a gain, don’t keep gifts in the box, tear open, then you share, is it better to throw it at the enemy or die holding your spear, a warriors dilemma, yet the answer is so clear, use it or loose it, time wisely spent avoids negative conversations with your peers, driven by words designed to discourage and transfer the nature of their fears, and since sin is so cynical it is often disguised as sincere, but the companionship of misery is broken whenever a hint of light shares a glare, am I trying my best or am I just trying not to fail. Jacob had a ladder, they say heaven has ascending stairs, none of us are close to perfect so even the reverend says them prayers, stumbling with crosses trying to carry the weight, ware and tear, let go and let God, pay homage to past blessings by todays’ showing of faith, tomorrow isn’t promised, yesterday is already baked, for every year celebrated we add one candle to the cake, then use a knife to cut a slice for the time forever gone away, haste makes waste, so be careful of the pace and what is put on to your plate, but a complacent mind has empty plates at dinner time because the chef procrastinates, always searching for the perfect dish afraid to make a move in fear of making a mistake, gotta make a move before you make a movie or there will never be a release date. So beautiful is peace plus love conquers despair, why walk on the land when you can fly as eagles do through the air. Let loose all of your problems and fear only fear. Its life, cameras, action before the credits ever appear.