Life is Awesome
There may be moments that we may fail, but life is awesome.
There may be moments that life may seem stale, but life is always awesome.
Life is awesome not because we may have money, houses, or cars.
Life is awesome not because we may be rich and own everything including the stars.
Life isn’t about being rich or being poor.
Life is about loving one another because there is always something more.
There is always something greater than the struggle that we juggle.
Every single day within the boundaries of our little bubble.
As a society, we must stay humble and help one another.
To achieve what God had attended us to achieve with each other.
An idea that had been lost within time and space.
Below the clouds and above the ground, which is in front of our face.
Every single day and every single moment that we breathe.
We have to be grateful that we are alive and we can see.
We have to be knowledgeable that people die every single day.
But, we have another opportunity to enjoy life in a whole new way.
To make memories and mistakes before death starts to call our name.
For our soul to transcend to a whole new place and life will never be the same.
Life is awesome because we have the opportunity to experience love and joy.
With the people that we hold dear and please do not throw it away like a cheap toy.