Life Like Animals

Depressed hurt...
Feel like an animal left in the road after being half killed yet still somehow alive.
What do I do with these crazy feelings?
Regret, sadness, hurt that keeps building up inside me.
Do you ever really care about my feelings.
The hurt the pain of trying to fight for what I believe is right. For once thinking about me instead of everyone else.
Why do I care so much?
Why don't you?
Why is this kind of loss just as painful as the death of a person.
This loss is an emptiness inside my heart.
That leave me lost and broken.
But believe me when I say, you will never be forgotten.
Though the old you is already gone.
I wish you could come back like the wind. And be ready to start off again. But your gone and left me. Tattered in the darkness.
Left me alone, so heartless.

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