Life and Death
The offering of a free slate for life
A temporary state until death
The final resting place
We grew, year after year, to accept the idea that one day
We would be on our own
The cruel reality that is being taken from us as we live day by day
Simple liberties and common dreams are being taken away
Old age
People are being shot
Being taken from their families
Lives are being cut short by others
What is being done to stop it?
In a world that blames everyone innocent
Where it is better to be an uneducated, white male
To being an educated anything else
Where we protect the adversary
Rather than protect the innocents
Where your self worth is based on your beauty
Where we teach our daughters to dress a certain way
Rather than teach our sons not to rape
Teaching evasive ways
Rather than to not murder
Where we teach our children
How to die and how to murder
Instead of teaching them how to live