Real eyes realize real lies
Family drama scars and draws a thin line
In the middle of friendly ties
We say things for the moment
But when it comes to success do we really seize the moment
Leaving our promises abandoned lonely cause we disowned it
Real lies realize real lies
Relationships sometimes run thin but trust still lies
It's hard to stay with him when all he does is tell lies
That damaged my self image of what I called a perfect relationship
Real lies realize real lies
Why do we tell these lies
Is it our pride that suddenly creeps when our success was silently subsided
Why do we tell these lies
Is it because we want our man to love us harder
while the other woman is still wanting him undercover
Why do we tell lies
Is it because of the first of last impression trying to save us from getting into a deep depression
Words hurt people don't realize it but real eyes realize the worlds flaws
that were creatively turned into real lies