A Letter from the Teddy Bear
Dear Friend,
You might remember me,
As everyone’s favorite punching bag
If life is like a box of chocolate,
Mine is bittersweet
Listen Sweetheart,
Sorry Junior,
No matter how many times you try to hug the life back into me,
I am already dead inside
No matter how hard you squeeze
Or how much you try to pretend that I’m fine
It is going to take a lot more than your sympathy
To make me live again
You can listen with your plastic stethoscope
And CPR the stuffing right out of me,
But it will never stop the pain
You see my lungs are too full of sand to breathe anymore
From the time you buried me in the sandbox,
And forgot about me
Remember the time you threw me down the stairs?
Well that was okay, because you liked me better with a blue button for an eye anyway
Or when you left me alone with your dog,
He chewed a hole right through my side
That was fixed after a few stitches though
Well some of us aren’t that lucky
Sometimes there are wounds you just can’t heal
Did you really think that you could take infinite hugs without any consequences?
That unconditional love was a one-way street?
Or did you just not care?
Do you know why I made you feel better?
It’s because you felt sorry for me
Because my struggles and my failures made you feel better about yourself
Your own problems
But did you ever ask if I needed a hug?
Ever hold me while I cried,
Or listen to my problems?
Of course not
Because I’m the teddy bear
And you could look into my one beady black and one button blue eye,
And see your own reflection,
Not feel guilty
Because I’m a piggy bank for sorrows
And underneath all that pain,
There was no beating heart
Well sorry kid,
The Teddy Bear is gone
There’s nothing left for you to take
No buddy home to give you hugs
With nothing in return
And you should know that your Mom threw me out with last week’s egg salad,
And the envelope that your college acceptance letter came in
And by the way congratulations,
No hard feelings,
I’m your pal
I’m sorry Jimmy, you can whisper your favorite color to me as many times as you want
But I still won’t remember
And Katie you can tell me that you love me,
But I’ll never be able to trust you
If you need me, I’ll be here
Sending you a hug
From the inside of a garbage truck
Your Faithful Friend,
Theodore S. Bear