a letter to my high school self
she does not deserve your love
she may need it
clearly she is a broken soul
a lost soul
but it is not your job to find her
it is not your job to heal her
you need to heal yourself
she has broken you
she has apologized
but the words “i’m sorry” have no meaning
when she keeps doing the same things
over and over again
they will destroy you every time
and she will never change
she has changed your life
there were good times
be grateful for when she supported you
when she made you feel loved
and less alone
but do not ignore the bad times
because those hurt more
than the good times can heal
they will for years to come
so at the first sign that something is off
the first time she unloads her problems on you
makes them your burden to bear
the first time she makes you feel like shit
and then blames you for it
guilt-tripping you back into her love
the first time you feel anxious in her presence
get the hell out
that is not love
that is not healthy
and you do not deserve five years of that
don’t give every drop of yourself to her
because then you will have none left for you
and that will break you more
than she ever will