The Letter i
American. i wake up to the glorious morning where i don't have to worry about anything but checking the feed on my current social media network.
Happy is what i say i am when i put on my designer pants and expensive jewelry, as i make my way to work.
Complain about labor is what i do when i get to work and am provided with a job to satisfy my needs, and wants.
Since the moment from when i had awoken, i had failed to realize the power of the letter i.
To most, the letter i is nothing but the most common word in the American jargon.
A small letter it is, seeming somewhat insignificant.
That is where all are wrong.
The letter i is quick and sly and can poison the mind into forgetting about the capital YOU.
YOU should be the first thing thought of before social media, fancy garments, and tedious labor.
YOU is what has conditioned me to always keep my letter i lowercase, because i should always lower my sense of pride before i fall.
i realize that when i put YOU before i, the feeling of humility brings me ultimate happiness.