Letter to HipHop
You are the beat that keeps my heart singing
Your music bumps so loud and When you are near me my heart feel the vibrations
Your words flow like a river
And your touch is like the warm water it holds
I would stay in it all day because it soothes my aches and pains
But I know you must leave me and let someone else hear your music
Hip Hop you are my first love
I know I can always depend on my first love
I wish you knew you could depend on me too
And I ask myself why must i love Hip Hop and not R&B but myself tells me to ask my heart
After so many years of hearing your music
Different genre
Different composers
Different melodies
Different words
I still have the same feeling I feel
Hip hop you changed my world I thought I could never love
But as the title of my favorite song is said by your adoring fans
My smile, not only in the inside but on the outside as well, grows huge
Damn I know this is love
I wish to feel the real you and not only to hear you through a song
I wish i could fall asleep feeling vibrations from your music in my heart
Someone once told me if you can’t go a day without thinking about something don’t give up on it
And I can’t go a minute thinking of what song i should play next
So why even through my frustrations of waiting I would give up on HipHop
But my brain says its bad for my ears
It will only in the long run continue to pull your heart in and then stop playing its music
No longer providing the vibrations for your heart that you love
Hip Hop will yet again go to another genre and fall in love with it
And you will be left with no music to fulfill your human needs
Why must I love you HipHop