A Letter For...
Your spirit held the beauty of Aphrodite but never commanded a crowd to form around you like this
Instead it was the crimson liquid, glistening in the light,
That made everyone stare
And I swear I've never seen that much blood before
There was enough to paint your mother's body when she held you
Her clouded orbs rained heavy and washed every drop away yet they still stained her
and her cracked vocals begging to know why became your swan song that's been sung every day since
You lied there for hours
We were still waiting for help that never came
because rather than you it was your murderer they attended to
They ransacked your crippled body
Looking for any crumb of incrimination
But they never found one
and your murderer’s blood saturated hands were never put in cuffs
They told us you were dangerous
If it brings you any peace we didn't believe one word
And your last breath that pleaded for your right to live spoke to the nation
We rose and united together
Repeated your name to the point it was imbedded in dreams
and even the wind whispered it
our steps resonated thunderstorms in protest
for your unimpeachable soul
I hope you know your death has not been in vain
and I wish I could address this letter specifically to you
but there's too many innocent black people I could address this to