Lets Just Pretend It Doesn't Happen
All my life I had to fight
All my life I had to fight
I fought
My family
The people I thought were my friends
Even that fool down the street
Because my skin is blacker
Than black
I’m blue-black
And apparently
Thats wack
Cause you see my lips are
A little too thick and my nose
Is a little too big and my hips
Are a little too wide and my hair
Is a little too nappy to be considered
Apparently cornrows are
“Boxer braids”
This is the part where I got stuck
Because I’m trying to find a way to
String words together to help you
Understand the pain
The black community go through
On a daily basis
You see I’m tired of seeing my brothers’
Dead faces
And I want to express to you my
But I’m not here to entertain you
So let me give it to you straight
My skin
Its beautiful
My sisters
Are queens
My brothers
Have lives to live
We are not criminals or
Hoodlums or gang banging
Fence jumping niggas
We are a people who can
And will come together
To put a stop to this
But pretend that’s not what
I just said.
Pretend I made a cute little
To make you feel comfortable
While you continue killing us
Because let’s not speak about what
Really wrong
Lets just kind of slide over it
And hope no one notices.