"I love baking, singing, and running but not all at once," says Instagram.
Snapchat calls me "pbfanatic" which is acceptable enough.
Peers would describe me as smart, quiet, polite as a lamb.
Physically: blue eyes, big thighs, crazy curls, not at all tough.
It's knotty naughty business to show people the painting you've drawn.
And hope they like it and don't get creeped out and run.
It needs to get out there that everyone is their own work of art.
But sometimes it's hard to release and let that curtain part.
It's easier to let them draw their own frizzy fuzzy, inaccurate portrait of you.
Letting them believe exactly what they want to.
I want to find the rock on which I can build my trust.
To open up and believe someone's love isn't a bust.
It takes nerve but companionship is a need that should be brushed, shampooed;
So I shall now draw the curtain and plant the seed that will have flourished.
Curiosity drives my growth and progression.
Ugly since selfishness and vanity often take over like a bad hair day.
Raving mad for Jesus and soldier for Christ.
Living, breathing awkward but sometimes cute, funny.
Young, immature, split ended minded; laughing at the serious.
Ambitious in academics is a highlight advantage.
Needy in finances is a lowlight negative.
Daydreaming for boys more than actual sleep.
Polish and teased by love for languages.
Really traditional in views of the world.
Order-seeking and control-freaking.
Understanding, rooted real, a good listener.
Down to earth but with a strong wish to fly as a flight attendant.
Not just a hair type, my friend.
But a personality type too.