Lesser-Positive (A poem on my experience with 'Life and Consciousness thus far')
Lesser- Positive
By: Anyssa Q. E
There began balance-
There began space.
Empty matter far displaced.
Within darkest dark,
Pitch as Black,
Strings suspended-
Light was made.
Spread my fingers,
Let them thaw.
I pour my essence,
Light and being,
To channel emotion-
And rekindle feeling,
To relive this cycle once and for all.
Alas, Awareness came simply,
But emotion not so easy.
As the ancient sea carves the canyon,
So did my joy, sorrow and reason.
So vague is the task at hand,
And so tempting seems the 'clock',
Alas time is this unmeasurable thing,
Unless mortality is at heart.
Thus shapeless, dazed and stupefied,
My pygmy haunts this hunching plane,
Though light seems to pierce my eyes,
And the path seems to materialize,
So swiftly is it ripped away-
by human ego and disarray.
Oh, the path seems so clear to you,
And to others who's eyes are dumbed,
and soft supple hearts which have been numbed.
To work, to sleep, to multiply,
To shun to rage and to occupy,
This temporary plane for hundreds of lives....
But here is my end.
Before my lesser-positive,
My Perfect-Form hung,
Greeting the infant which life has sprung,
And unto they admitted I through simple tongue,
“I have learned so little,
I am shallow, I am weak-
Standing in this frigid cold.
My psyche seems to whisper,
Divine secrets I cannot unfold.
I do not have the strength to be,
Or ever could or will ever see,
A solid future in liquid breeze.....
But, tell me, what is this spasm?
This click in which from I have spawned...
No grip or traction I can hold,
Yet I am pushed onward through this sleep.-
I assume there must be no end,
For there was no beginning I could see,
So I shall exist, simply,
Lesser-Positive I shall be-
Until this inflation recedes,
Back into cosmic unity."
And just as I, the shapeless one,
The one as a hunched dumb pygmy,
Everything shall be reborn and reborn shall I be,
And the universe and all I could see,
Zero with a twist equals Infinity.