lazily untitled
I have plans for greatness but sometimes I feel like I can never reach it.
And I really would love it if everything I said was poetic.
But I guess I am more crude than I thought.
I know I am too blunt to make things sound pretty.
Maybe it is my bluntness that makes me state the truth so I can't sneak through and grab my dreams.
Could I be too honest for my own good.
But that doesn't make sense, because, well, honesty is the best policy.
Life is too complicated, especially for people like me.
I have a simple mind.
I am not at all complex.
Really I am rather boring actually.
But it is not like I have a one track mind.
I do think about more than one thing.
But I guess they are not important things.
I can't seam to remember them now.
I must of not really cared.
Emotion is one thing that confuses me.
They are not my friends.
Again, I guess I'm might just be too simple for them.
I am just tired.
I have to care about people and it really is wearing me down.
Maybe I have a limited reserve of emotion.
That must be it.
I guess this reserve also makes me to tired to achieve the greatness I have planned.
I must be the epitome of lazy.
Too lazy to care even about myself.
Does that make me a sad excuse for a person?
Probably does.
Well I don't really care either way.