If there's laughter in the halls
It's at me
If there's crying in the halls
It's me
Don't judge what has already been overlooked
Another mistake
Another silly mistake
Like every red X on a paper
You bring me down a bit
And soon I'm the thing you wish you could erase
The big fat F on a report card
That got "mysteriously" covered in White-Out
When you got on the bus
I never knew you had to lose before you could win
And I never saw the backdrops behind me
Making my life look less empty
Because I try to tell you every day
I don't mind, I don't mind
But I do mind
And you knew it
And you thrived on it
And someday
When I have the chance to expell you to where I am now
I won't
That's a deal
Because no one should feel that pain
No one should be tortured
Even if they tortured others first
And while others might hurt you like you hurt me
I won't
Becuase I'm not like that
I don't want to hurt
I want to heal