On Latitude
I am thunder,
grinding sky diamonds in the earth of my thighs.
I have lived forever,
suppressed and swelling, willing but caged by these
ribs, caged
by a systemic contentment
yet never a prisoner.
We, I, have been waiting for you,
we, us, me,
look at me, hear my words.
Our tongues are brothers,
no-- sisters.
Our minds are of the same flight
gliding, golden backed
You always had father’s eyes.
You see the surface , the crust, her shallow layers
but I, we
see Sky’s constant wrapping
of silk curves
folding in on hues of amber
and fossil breathes
of father.
We see what could be, the beauty in himself that he
could not.
In this beauty, we are equal, brother.
We are finger-painted,
cut and pasted,
layer-extensive collages
of the same