Late December

Its cold in the twelve month.
When winter comes and Summer ends.
When the rays of sunshine turn to cloudy skies and chilly winds.
When the snow falls in a rush, a flurry of white.
Coming down hard on one dark night.
Still, it was a sight to remember, in late December.
As it rained down and looking up it was like staring into space, towards the universe.

I held my head back and watched the flakes fall.
Captivated by its never ending beauty as it came towards me.
Eyes closing when they pelted my face,
At a fast and non-yielding pace.
And I remember the calm feeling as it closed around me,
Because this is where I wanted to be.

I remember, standing under the light post just to stare,
At a world we all came to share.
So bright and smart, so beautiful from finished to start.
And I didn't mind being alone as I thought,
That I would give anything to capture this moment and hide it away,
To be able to look back on someday.

I remember the smile that worked its way to the surface,
When it snowed a little harder.
When it got a little colder.
Though my skin felt like ice,
The feeling I got from it was anything but displeasure, it was even kind of nice.

When I did finally move,
I glanced to the sky one last time,
Because this moment was all mine.
And I remember that ill always love the bitter cold and uncontrollable snow, in late December.

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