The Lady In Black
While I sit in the dark, I recognize this lady in black.
When I acknowledge her she stood up, but still in tears.
She stares at me in the dim room,
Wishing she'll tell me whats wrong but no words so I stared back.
Only if she knew her eyes told it all.
She lives in misunderstanding
When she screams,
She wonder can anyone hear her.
She live in dark and lonely world, the only world she calls home.
She fools everyone with her delicate smile and have that everything’s-okay attitude.
She wishes everyone to just stop judging her, but her words never seem to come out loud.
She's extremely fragile, so people
Take advantage of her flaw
She's been hurt,
Emotionally, physically, and mentally
To the point she questions life
But now she hurts herself before someone can damage her.
She have low self-esteem
She hates everything about her appearance, so she let people create a different one.
When she looks up, almost like she lost something in the sky, I woke up like I was in a dream.
Then she muttered "god take away this pain”.
Then this bright light appeared from my window, suddenly the lady was gone.
I ran to the window and seen my reflection wondering why this face look so familiar.
Only I knew the lady in black was my shadow.