As it is written upon the gates of heaven
Unbound by the fear and the envy below
The phrase "because I love you" is not a weapon
But an honest assertion towards someone you know.
When a friend is in pain or in need of advice
Then you listen and rally to help them pull through.
What you don't do is stay when the going is nice
But then leave them the second things start to turn blue
And when tragedy strikes like a light in the night
That rips him from the earth leaving me sobbing on the floor
He would ask, if he could, why I'm so full of spite
And I would say "because I love you, but can show you no more."
Our mission on this planet is to love as best we may
While dishonesty and selfishness endeavor to kill our drive.
Thank you so much for teaching me, now all that I can say
Is from the bottom of my heart; because I love you, I'm alive.