A Kiss
'A kiss is a speial touch of feeling on your lips of another. When these two lips touch, magic happens and your lips start to tingle. When you first look into their eyes and move closer to their face, then that first touch of each others lips makes you want to fly away with that person. A kiss is like fireworks of hearts in the air. some people think a kiss is just a touch of anothers lips and nothng more, but its more than that. It is very special when you think about after you've kissed someone.There was a man who was always lonely, and never had a partner. Then one day he met a women and fell in love. They dated for months and had there first kissed. But when there lips first touched, the man died right there in front of the women with a big smile on his face. His whole body turned into a garden which gave food to his whole village who were dieing of hunger. The women was sad but happy at the same time. See a kiss is magic unless you believe.'