Killing the Dream
Dr. King, he has passed,
But his dream lives on still.
He knew that color should be ignored.
One day soon, hopefully we all will.
We have a black man in office.
America has chosen him twice.
Racism has all but been killed.
So why still lives the vice?
What ever happened to “content” not “color?”
More importantly, why are we afraid to challenge, question, criticize, scrutinize one another?
If a man in his heart
Is just no damn good
He should be labeled as such
As any wicked man should.
Long past are the days of friendly discourse.
Can we not talk like brothers?
We must find the problem, we must isolate the source.
If a man has an issue with another, black or white
The Truth should decide on which one is right.
But yet, now it stands that if a disagreement starts
If the two are separate races, be they black, Asian, Indian, Italian, Jewish, Caucasian, whatever
It is for some reason labeled an illness of the heart.
If “all men are created equal” as our Founders believed
We cannot scream “racism” when it is simply perceived.
Men like Jackson and Sharpton, they suckle the hate to keep it fresh and alive
It’s easier this way to for their bank accounts to thrive.
We must shun men like these, rented-ranters and their hate
If we are to irradiate this disease of racism from every State.
I long for the day we can talk like gentlemen, a place where the old ways secede to what’s right.
We can hold a noble discussion on history, culture, politics, art, film, literature without this despicable blight.
But in order for King’s dream to live, we all must try
To see it to it soon that this race-baiting soon does die.