The Key to Happiness
I love how children
always see the bright side
on every dark thing.
I love when they smile,
because that warms you up.
That gives you something
to live and die for.
I love when they laugh,
Because then, you laugh.
You get that happy feeling
inside of you that gives you
hope in you and your life.
I love when they can tell
when you are sad or pretending
to be happy.
They hug you with their
tiny arms and put their little
heads against your chest
and tell you,
“Don’t worry, everything will
be fine, I promise. I’m
here for you. I love you.”
That brings tears in your eyes
as you snug you head next to theirs
and hold them tight to you
like a childhood teddy bear.
You smile as your tears
fall on your shirt. You say,
“I know you are
and I always will be here for you,
forever to the end
I love you, too.”