Keep your Coins. I want Change.
"Keep your coins. I want change."
These words
Were rendered upon a ripped cardboard box
In the hands of a man
Sitting on the corner of a sidewalk.
What would I change?
Since youth, I have wanted to study at a prestigious college
Because I wanted to help people with my acquired knowledge.
Attaining a BS, a JD, a PhD would open many a door
And aid in achieving the dreams I had since age four.
Medical research and career opportunities often require a college education.
But like many victims of this innovative generation,
I cannot afford to go to school.
Our education system is far too cruel.
The cure for cancer could be trapped in the brain
Of an individual whose education could not be obtained.
It's far more simple to purchase a deadly weapon
Than it is to sit in class and learn a valuable lesson.
Our post-secondary education system acknowledges the importance of knowledge
But denies this necessity to many due to the fact that their wallets are too meager.
Nobody should be unable to receive a college education
Simply because he or she cannot afford one.
This I would change.