Keep Fighting
Dear self,
This has been a long time coming. I see the way that you put on a face every morning as you drag yourself out of bed.
You lay there hoping, wishing, screaming for the safety of the covers for the solitude of sleep.
You don't want to face another day of everyone elses expectations. But you get up, you thow on a nice pair of clothes
and walk out the door. You get in your car and drive away from your house.You drive away from the safety of you bed.
You fight the constant nashing of teeth and screams of the monsters who lye in your head. They tell you about your past failures,
how you will never amount to anything, that you can't reach the dreams that you have set. You are the only person who knows
what truly is going on inside of you but you feel so weak. You put on the bravest of faces and walk through the wide gym doors.
You set up the tables and get out the binder and lay it flat in front of you. Take a few breathes you tell yourself, you are so close.
The bell rings and thousands of footsteps trample out the demons lurking about. Several littles rush you and tell you silly little things
that make them giggle. You know that they are the reason why you get up. why you leave the sanctity of your bedroom.
You do it for them. They make you strong. They make you feel loved. Even on days when they have their own demons to battle.
They know you are there for them and because you are there for them they can get through to the next day.
Some days things will be too overwhelming. The demons will not only take over on the inside, but will try to come out, will try
to make everyone feel their wrath just like your own inner self, but you can't let them win. Those children are your life, they are
who you were destined to love and support.
Don't ever forget how strong you are. Never stop fighting those demons. You will show those kids that one day they can be their own
heroes. Remember to love yourself.
- Me