Im trying to transpire these thoughts in my head,
I came across the deepest thoughts,
nothing of a sympony,
more of a sympathy.
they were voices that whispered softly,
proclaiming they were never a friend,
took your kindness for granted,
i'm subtle to this feeling,
It's feelings seem mutal as the truth unravels,
I'm contempted of how it ends,
I justified the sounds that waved inside a seashell,
I thought i heard a voice,
I thought it proclaimed to me,
that friendships are pieces that format into places where there is no other choice,
It's kudos to you,
I wont justify what went wrong,
just know all along the center of your heart was alone,
thats the true justification,
you took my pieces of the puzzle and scttered them apart,
thinking i wont format them back into place.
justification is,
I placed them back into its proper order,
and you lost the best pieces you had of me.