Just want to be heard
I just wanna be heard
today in this world
Voice so strong and beautiful
I know I've been knocked down 300 times
With two eyes plus to many lies,
But that dosen't mean defeat
But that is what rises me.
My life journey awaits in reality
I just want to be heard.
Pushed back, away from others so many times
A girl like me, I just wanna be heard.
Words so inspiring and true
I just wanna be heard.
Trying to find myself in reality
When others say things that your not
when you have words to be said,
But to afraid to speak out,
Fear shouldn't never enter a heart that is guarded.
Pen and paper understands me more
Than those who really know me.
Just trying to reach out into
I just wanna be heard
Be a motivation, Inspiring individual.
I just wanna be heard
Voice to express
but no one really takes the time out to listen to a girl like me.
They really don't know what I'm capable of
Only If those take the time out to listen.
So that's why pen and paper truly understand me
I just wanna be heard through everything
My words, feelings, thoughts babbled within.
I just wanna be heard.
Express with joy and living abundantly
Making my dreams come to reality.
I just wanna be heard in everyway
Not to be pushed away
Or Brushed away.
Words are so inspiring and true
Just take the time out and get to know a girl like me.
I just wanna be heard
I have so much to say.