Just A Story

Tell me the story

About all the glory

That love can provide

And sweetly abide

Sing me the song

Where nothing goes wrong

And heaven prevails

And no one craves ale

Show me the film

That features a kiln

And the potter creates

Vases and crates

Please make me feel

That there’s more than just pills

And anger and yelling

And no storytelling

Let’s run away

To a place we can play

More than pretend

And happy never ends

Please can we try

Catching fireflies

Then let them go

Because everyone should go home

Once the panic ceases

We can pick up the pieces

But for now lets just leave them

And wait till next season

Just focus on me

And practice being happy

Let’s star gaze all night

And wake when there’s light

Let the sun be our clock

And the moon be the rock

We lay our heads to rest

Because life is no contest

Let’s rely on the stars

To guide us home when we’re far

Let’s swim in the brook

And jump off the hook

Of ‘do this’ and ‘do that’

Because routine can run flat

Let’s add some curves

And then hit some nerves

It’s nice to feel

That’s how we know that we’re real

No emotions or devotion

Would cause a lot of commotion

What about the notion

You got from that potion

Your mother made you drink

So she could tell you how to think

You can’t wash a brain

Who would be so vain?

As to control another human

That is how you ruin

A person, a family

But now how can we progress

When you’ve been told to regress

Let’s just clear our minds

And go to this place where we can find

Peace in our minds and hearts

Can’t we just restart?


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