Just maybe

Thu, 12/05/2019 - 14:23 -- Aws

Don’t tell me I’m beautiful 

until you seen the marks

etched in my skin

the deep ones

on my heart

that I hide from you.


Dont tell me I’m strong

until you seen me fall apart

right there in front of you, everyday 

crying till I drown in my own tears.


dont tell me you will be there no matter what 

until I push you away

shut you out completely 

because i know

you are like them.


dont say I will be ok

until you seen what nights are like

there terror that rips me to pieces

seen me drown 

unable to save myself

senn me collapse 

from a lack of oxygen.


dont tell me I will get through this

that it is only temporary 

until you seen the inner torment 

my mind

that has demons that refuse to shut up.


if you seen me

the true me

the scars

the pain

the insecurities 

the bitterness

that I hide from you 

the voices you cant hear

the darkness that lays within my smile.


if you are still there

by my side


just maybe

i believe you.




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