Just a Friendly Tiding
Just a Friendly Tiding
Far I am from you
My Brother of blood
Years have passed many days
Since we last spoke unto one another
I pray for forgiveness
You grace and repent for my sins
But I rejoice with you now
Beating inside your heart
As we are family
Grown from the same root
Nourished by the same tree of life
But spread far and thin
Across many miles
I remember your face
Handsome for the ladies
As a looker to the world
You are a man of wealthy vigor
As I pass my words to you
For this is your day
A day of light, upon this night
Hear me, please
As I
Give this simple and kind
Friendly tiding for you to accept
Happy birthday
May your days be blessed
Your wishes fulfilled
Your dreams made whole
And your life
Pastured with endless love