just another chatroom vent
Let's see how this works lol:
An amazing love I have found for myself, an amazing person I have found. But you already know that.
I don't need to express myself to you, for you already see right through me, so tell me, love, what do you see.
You love me? You wish we could stay together? I'm sure that meant a lot when our souls were together the first time, but what about now? Does it still bare the same amazingly beautiful and heart felt imagery that it should or shall contain?
I listen to the musiqs of love, slur my speach when alone, laugh at my luck, My crazy stupid luck. I never caught you, you caught me as I fell for you.
You got a chair? cause whenever I see you I need to sit down, your beauty blows me away like a hurricane, you whirl around in a motion that reminds me of how free you really are and I couldn't nor would do anything to hinder you.
Yes, you have sprung me in a way that I canot unspring myself unless I somehow destroy everything we've ever had. SO I'll take it easy and bare the weight that has been built on my shoulders to carry us throughout eternity, but you bare parts of the weight with me, why?
It's because you see the team effort in us. there's no "I" in team, but there's a "We" in "Weld" and when things heat up we heal in an instant and form a more beautiful structure out of the warmth.
An embrace between lovers wasn't enough. from a casual hug to a bodily carress, we are the warmth, the element of distinction. And that's one more thing that I count torward your case of individuality.
Now, baby, I said all of that to say be my love, be my girl, come to the proms with me, my eternal valentine, my kisscam partner, my soul's newest extension.
Be you
Be me
Be we
And not just She