Junipers and Ice
1 In this illusion of stillness
The drowsy zephyr lumbers
From under livid arms of the junipers,
Drifting through melancholy miasmas.
5 The drowsy zephyr lumbers
As glow bugs yawn,
Drifting through melancholy miasmas
Of mountain flowers and splintered stone.
9 As glow bugs yawn,
A stream flows with stories
Of mountain flowers and splintered stone.
This natural coliseum moans.
13 A stream flows with stories
When the chasm melts.
This natural coliseum moans
Along with long-forgotten lore.
17 When the chasm melts,
Snow clings to the shadows
Along with long-forgotten lore,
Holding onto promises echoed in ice.
21 Snow clings to the shadows
Of the marauders standing still
Holding onto promises echoed in ice
Those pathetic knights and starving thieves.
25 Of the marauders standing tall,
The shadows' reality hides
Those pathetic knights and starving thieves,
A frost covered ruin reaches out.
29 The shadows' reality hides
In this illusion of stillness.
A frost covered ruin reaches out
From under livid arms of the Junipers.