Journalistic Freedom
J ust because I want to be a biblical example of a wife & mother doesn't mean I want no
O ther career. I need freedom. Little commitment. A boss who is more than
U nderstanding that my family and faith come first. I want the opportunity to write and think in
R adical ways. To show the world what is important to me. To show the world what is wrong.
N aturally, I also want my name in my own by-line. No matter how selfless I try to be, I'll
A lways dream of my name under the title of an article I've written. In the
L ife I plan for myself, freelance journalism is the only career opportunity I see working.
I t will give me the freedom I need to put my family first while giving me the platform to
S peak up and out. If I work as a freelance journalist, it will not only change my life. It will
T ruly change the lives of both my subjects and audience.