The Job of a Life Time
Jobs are an ordinary source of life containing spectacles and life changing oppertunities
Jobs are intimate arrousing the state of mind to go straight foaward in a given point of time
jobs are appart of us
They help us surrive
They help our love ones
They carve the world into what we call a better place
But are Jobs so enjoyable to many individuals
Some work to provide for their families
Some work because their life depends on it
Some work because they have a selective joy in their particular job
Are the key to every Job
Doing what an individual loves
That's when we lift the world up above
Above our hands and say
We love our Job today
Is what I love
An enjoyable sense of nature that derives the soul into peaceful recreation
listening is the key to most individuals
Creating it, However
Fills my soul with glowing sensations of sunshine
My dream
With my Hazordous Enormous Self Esteem
Is to become some what of a creative individual
to make music a reality, instead of a conformity
Becoming somewhat of a man of passion toward my subject
Diagnosed with a diesease of loving music
Pictures of music symbols drawn into my mind,
Creativity in the air
Having the Passion bigger than a giant Bolder
My exquisite dreams of becomming a Composer