This is what it's like?
Having friends I mean.
Having people love you,
Having them care.
This is what friends get me?
Memories full of smiles
to overshadow those of sorrow?
I saw you, how you immediatly had me.
My attention, my trust, my loyalty.
Look how far we've come;
Two years gone by,
Better for having met you.
Look at my face.
Look at these tears.
For once, it is not in mourning.
For once, I shed trears of joy.
You gave me something I could not hope for.
Something worth having,
Something to enjoy.
You gave me back my life.
You took me in
And gave me friends.
Along the way and under your influence,
I found a love.
He's beautiful and caring,
And for once, I know I deserve this.
I deserve to be happy,
I deserve to enjoy my life.
I deserve these feelings;
This ecstasy that fills me,
This love that consumes me.
I have assended
From the Hell of my past
to the wonders of my future.
Where once was invisible
Tears, frowns and fear,
Now are smiles and joy
Seen clearly on my face.
Thank you my friend,
Thak you for all you've done.
Thank you for unearthing me,
Pulling me away from my depression
And forcing me into the light.