James Ducket
I never thought of the name or person as much of anything, it was a way to show people who i was without worrying them.
Not that they'd worry about me, but they'd be worried about themselves.
I fear the unknown at times, but i also feel that those unknown deserve to be found, to be heard.
They don't share this intuition, the depth of pain means its not easy to see in, and some people would rather ignore it.
I was always told to not say "they", who am i talking about? whoever you think i am, and if that's noone
then i hope you've lived a good life, and that it isn't you.
I'm not angry, just sad and lonely, i understand people in a way that many don't, so i can't really stay angry.
Some people don't understand the depth of their pain, they imagine its nothing until they look for the bottom
what you thought was easy to reach seems to have no end, but this is part of you, do you go on?
Some drown, some come back up, but there are also certainly those who don't drown, but many never be seen on the surface again.
Drowning is one of my most feared deaths, if nothing else, for the hopelessness in that you gave everything you had, yet it didn't end.
You get to be one of those who drowned, maybe you went too deep, or maybe all you needed was a hand to pull you up, yet it wasn't there.
May all those who drowned finally know rest, and hopefully know peace, and may we one day be able to keep our friends from drowning.
I should've tried harder kid, you won't be forgotten.