It's not me.
It’s not me.
Pictures are supposed to describe you,
To capture those moments in which…
You never want to forget.
Technology has twisted the mirrors and deflected fake images of what
We are,
Introducing us to the lovely Instagram
Where we can post as many pictures as we like,
And decorate them with a filter that enhances and re-colors the image
But is that you in that selfie?
Because it’s not me.
Those smiles you see in those selfies
It’s not me
Because it’s all forced at the time
Not a genuine moment shown
Yes you can see me smile
Yes you can see me wink
Yes you can see me blow a kiss
But it’s not me.
All those Instagram filters
It’s not me.
My pictures do not portray true emotions but just…
The outside image,
Which is what destroys society.
Society feeds off of social media.
Society has created an image for “perfection.”
But that’s not me.
For everyone out there who feels like they do not fit the area of so called “perfect.”
I feel you
This poem is for you
To let you know that
I care.
You are who you are and you do not need to be fazed by anyone
But you.
Do you know who I am?
I am Dorothy.
I am an individual.
I do not need filters
I do not need to edit my pictures to please the crowds
I do not need all those Gucci bags and Coach purses
I do not need all of that make up
I do not need designer clothes
I do not need to make myself out to be,
Someone I’m not
It’s not me
Take those selfies
Express how you want to be seen
But never forget who you really are
A wonderful soul who doesn’t need filters