It's not a Joke
I can't move
I don't know how
Not anymore.
My heart is beating way too fast
And I cannot focus on anything.
Some compare depression
To a monster
And I guess to some respect
They're right.
Everything is too loud
All I hear is the echo
Of the words that brought me here.
To this place
Where the problem is me
But I try to blame others.
Where the words aren't mine
But the echo are.
I've convinced myself I deserve
The echoing phrase
"Not good enough"
I don't know what happened between
The time I didn't care
And now
When black and white is my preferred color scheme
Rather than the colors I see
Because my brain moves too fast to not
All I feel is the echo of what I was supposed to do
But forgot because
I think between three and ten thoughts a second
What I need most is patience
Patience while I collect myself
And start over
But what's I need now
Is for you
To sit next to me
No words exchanging,
Only music
Floating through the room
And just wait with me
Until I'm ready
To talk out
My struggles
Then I need you to reenter the room with me
And please
Don't let me leave.