It's a Maybe
It’s not a no, it’s not a yes, it’s a maybe.
I’m not mad at you for giving me that answer.
I understand, you are the teacher assistant, and I am only a student.
Next semester you said.
Meaning you are not graduating, meaning you will still be here.
Meaning we can still possibly hang out on the weekend.
I would really truly like that.
You didn’t crush my hope, but in a way made it grow some.
You are the first guy I have ever asked out, so I thank you for your maybe.
Before I asked you I thought, I’m not going to ask you,
Then I looked at you, and was like ‘Yep. Gotta ask him. Yep’
So I hope next semester the maybe will turn into a yes.
Even if we just hang out and never date, that would make me happy,
because I think your pretty awesome.