It's Hard to Be Heard
It's hard to be heard
When your wavering voice whispers
"I need to talk to someone."
It's hard to be heard
When that voice is ignored
By the cacophony of chatter.
It must be.
Tell me how to express myself without feeling ashamed
Tell me how to realize that it's okay to be open
That saying what you feel is not a crime
Because when I feel so low I would rather down a vicodin with vodka than tell my friends I'm lonely
Why else would I prefer to create my own pain to mask the one inside?
Why is it that I can scream but all that anyone hears is a muffled shuffle of my feet dragging on the ground?
Why is it that we are all deaf to the sound?
The sound of the suffering
The sound of the struggling
The sound of the souls who are smiling but bluffing
How can ten percent of teens be depressed
If you can never tell which one is on the edge of death
How do you have the gall to ignore the girl who just posted to her wall
That she has relapsed
That she is ready to go
That she is gone
Tell me how you do that
Because what you are doing is putting in headphones when there are cries for your help
You are plugging your ears to the pleas and the tears
You are ignoring the girl who you could save
And if your mourn at her grave
Remember she was not heard.
But it's time to listen
It's time to be aware
That unless you care, unless you tell them that you are there
They are alone
It's time to listen
Because it's our time to be heard.