Its Been A While

its been a while since I saw your pretty smile
whispering to my heart "I love you"
its been a while since I saw your glistening eyes
always trying to capture my soul
locking my sight to your beauty
its been a while since we walked together
holding hands with a touchy rub
its been a while since I had that breath
of your perfumed body
with an elegance and seduction taste
always bringing me closer to your shadow
its been a while since we went out
to have fun just as the kids do
chasing the wind
catching the love emotions
and spreading the joys
its been a while since I held you in my arms
igniting the power of love from my soul to yours
warming the cold breeze between our bodies
its been a while for sure
I miss you bae
its been a while
copyright ©2016 Divinè Heart

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