It was at one timeThat
It was at one time
That I was in chains.
My hands are clasped
My leg with a ball and chain
And a gag over my mouth.
I was walking through quicksand. I was not blind.
Others, in their blindness
Stumbled and wandered aimlessly
In their blindness, they were more disabled than I. I trudged through harsh winds-
Winds that nearly blew me away.
Then I was drowning-
(My hand clawing at the surface of the water
Only for it to turn to ice.) Then I look up,
With my unbounded eyes
I saw a path,
And a door, of light, of hope
Of freedom
I was very weak, yet
With my little strength I got up. I ripped off my ball and chain-
I rip gag in my mouth off.
I stood up straight
And faced my fate.