It Was Just an Ordinary Day
It was just an ordinary day
We woke, refreshed, ready to start the day
It is 6 o’clock
I made eggs and then we kissed goodbye
I watched him walk off down the street
I was happy
We, were happy
I went about my day
It was 8:58 a.m. when the phone rang
I let it go. I was going to be late for work
Why did I let it go?
What if it was him?
The mood outside was in a panicked frenzy
What was going on?
Then my heart sank
“The North Tower had been hit”, a woman had cried.
That was twelve years ago
I think about him every day
Our last morning we shared
What if I had answered the phone?
Could I hear his voice one last time
I could have told him how much I loved him
One last time
My heart is burdened by the physical strain your loss has given me
I will never forget
We, will never forget.