It should have never been Black vs. White
What is it like to be white?
White, in a society whose 'minorities' population count is about to take flight
What is it like to be white?
Do you feel the fight of your ancestors , like the blacks , hispanics, and native americans
We say we fought racism, we say we fought prejudice, we say we fought slavery
Is any of this true
The prejdice is still there.
Does the white man get followed when he has a hood on his hair?
Maybe just slightly, he may be followed by one.
But the black man in the same outfit is followed by 3
Because watch out everybody he is black he may have a gun.
When I walk into a place, and they hear my voice first, the shock I see when they see my face......
mhmmmmmm , I don't laugh that hard when a big kid falls to the earth.
Your voice, so American, not even a slur, you speak proper english
Yeah son " I speak proper english , but I am hispanic too, do you want to put me on display at a zoo?"
We got rid of slavery , but the blacks, the Native Americans, and Hispanics are still slaves
Slaves to the lives their ancestors lived 100 years ago.
Yeah we are better, and we can have success
We have to jump through more hoops to be better than the rest
The whites want to say that we have the same opportunities
But look at the "bad schools" vs. the "good schools"
I bet their population count is 1:10 , "minority to white.
We don't have the same opportunities , to be successful like the white man
We have more rungs on the socioeconomic ladders to climb
It should have never been black vs. white
But that is how our history unfolded
with every decade we fight harder still
Slowly and slowly we will get over this hill
Let us get over this , and let us be a body of one
Where there is no black and white
no prejudice against a color
just truth vs. lies
And different problems to overcome