Is It Really Necessary?
Is it really necessary for a school to make it a rule for students to learn advanced classes
While everyone speeds on by in the class I'm one of the few who just hopes he passes
Is it really necessary for math to include the alphabet in its equations
Because I'm quite positive that this isn't going to make me a better citizen of this natoin
Is it really necessary to make science so advanced and make it harder for us
Will me taking that class make me more qualified to drive a bus
Is it really necessary to make us take standarized tests
Because everyone clearly already knows whos the best
Is it really necessary to make me sit through your boring speech
Because im quite certain that my job choice is not to teach
Is it really necessary to make the lunches so bland
Half of the students think that "foood" should be banned
Is it really necessary to for me to complain about school
Because I feel that by doing so I become a fool