It is More Than a Dream
It is More Than a Dream
18 years of work.
18 long, studious, determined, tiring, strenuous, years of work,
But now the time has come.
It may sound silly to say,
but I hope one day
my name, my image, my voice all vanish away.
The only thing to stay, the only thing to hold on to,
is the Spirit and Passion I gave.
I want to change the world.
What a perfect, little, quaint ideal “job;”
some will think it crazy or “cliché,”
but who cares? I want to be a “changing the world,” UN kind of snob.
Being a representative, a voice to those unheard, is all I want to do.
From age four, I knew this was my path to step onto—
to walk down unsteady, shadowed ways,
not knowing what to expect.
Will I be showered with glory? Or met
with indifferent dismay?
See! That’s the fun of it all!
The Future cannot be read, cannot be written, cannot be seen;
This is hard for some to cope with, but not Me.
I dance, sing, and frolic in Its mystery.
All I need to know is my purpose: my purpose is to help and work alongside others;
Traveling across the world to speak with all members of the human race;
To learn from them.
See? That’s why I don’t need to be remembered.
Instead I wish my Service, my Kindness, transcend into other members;
That they use It—unsure of where It came from—as fuel for themselves to inspire change.
From studying abroad,
Getting my masters, joining the Peace Corps with Rwanda as my station,
to being a Rep for the United Nations.
Culture, Ethics, and Society are the facets for my future.
My passion and devotion for change are the skills I possess.
Now…through this one job…my life will be blessed.