It Comes with Age
It comes with age
We all learn this
Give up your rights
Give up your hope
Conform, conform, conform
It is handed to them on a silver platter
Why protest anymore?
It get us nowhere
Violence and feuds
It makes them turn against us
Be silent indifferent passive
We cannot win this war
A child’s mind, so unexplainable
How they trust without fear
Their whole heart open to the world
They see the best in everything
I remember those times
When I paraded into preschool
Unaffected by other people’s opinions
Where cruelty and dishonesty and pettiness remained unseen
What has happened to us?
Weren’t we all once kids?
Who has forced this irreversible change?
Be silent be indifferent
Conform, conform, conform
I urge you now
Take the hard and painful road to individuality
Setting the standards behind
We will press on