an introverted peacock
i wear bright clothing
so that i will not be seen
I win, I score, I get the prizes.
i never win friendship or love
My shining golden hair catches your eye.
my face, hidden beneath, is shining as well
with glistening tears
My feathers are unruffled, and I stand proud and tall.
I know who I am and what I do.
but the nagging voice in my head
reminds me of what i lack
the empty space within me grows
the words cannot fill it
i am lonely
i am alone
no one sees beyond my happiness. They cannot understand my need
for what will fill me inside.
the shockingly red lipstick
distracts from my crimson
and i let it. proudly
i show off my colors,
parading them through the halls
waiting as the empty space
fills me up
this blank page inside me
is not for others to destroy
i must fill it myself
with scribbles and sketches
ideas and drawings
novellas, symphonies, romances
with Life.
below my colorful cover
is a blank notebook
for me to write in
my emptiness
is my opportunity