
Side by side I try talking to you
I look, I see all that is you
A vessel of experiences
And harsh emotions

I continue to look, to talk
To try
But nothing I say or do
Can penetrate your walls
Of grief and anger
Inducing isolation

What can I do?

And I talk
For hours upon hours
Until my breath catches in my throat
The words piercing my insides
Poking and prodding
Trying to break free
But they can’t

Why can’t I move?

The word stick and stick
Not getting through to you,
A silent and emotionless
Mirror of myself
My eyes a void
My mouth sewed shut
Sealed from the world

Are you Me?

But so honest in my mind
Emotionless, but angry
Your words hurting me
The verbal abuse, torture
Like needles in my brain

Am I You?

You finally speak
Your armor slowly decaying
Unraveling itself
Revealing a vulnerable
We look at each other
Gazing, wandering

Are you here?

My weary, torn eyes
Devoid of hope
Full of restlessness
Yet you stand there
Smiling, starting anew

Must you break me down so?
I yell
I yell
I yell.
But the words stay silent
And you're already gone
But I smile for once,
Knowing this

Because in actuality

I’m just talking to myself


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